A NEW FILTERING DEVICE FOR CORONAVIRUS Following the outbreak of the Coronavirus emergency, air filtration systems are becoming increasingly important to protect public health and consequently improve the quality of work environments. Engineer Michele Ramaglia, shareholder of Adiramef S.r.l. - a Campana company highly specialized in the technical assistance of electromedical,...
Visual defects (nearsightedness, astigmatism and farsightedness) are becoming increasingly common, and refractive surgery now offers several cutting-edge techniques (excimer laser and femtosecond laser) to eliminate them definitively in a completely safe and painless manner. "Beyond the age of 40, however, when the patient's defect exceeds the corrective possibilities of...
Spondylolisthesis is a pathological condition characterised by a forward displacement of a vertebra with respect to the underlying one. Surgeon Francesco Finocchiaro, head of the Operative Unit of Vertebral Surgery at the Rizzola Clinic in San Donà di Piave (VE), tells us about it. Thanks to considerable investments in...
Glaucoma, which according to recent scientific studies affects more than 55 million people worldwide and is one of the main causes of visual impairment, is a chronic and degenerative eye disease that gradually, slowly and severely damages the optic nerve causing dangerous alterations in visual field perception. Illustrating the...
Ibuprofen taken by women in their first three months of pregnancy might reduce a daughter’s number of eggs, potentially affecting the child’s future fertility, according to research carried out on human cells in the lab. It is generally thought that women are born with a fixed number of eggs, although controversial...
Britain cannot take for granted that it will retain its world-leading position in science and innovation after Brexit, a committee of MPs has warned. The House of Commons science and technology select committee is concerned that the UK has not yet committed itself to the next round of EU funding which...
Oooooh, I love this stuff. It’s like becoming the new general of an army. OK, here’s what I would do to win your new team over. First, have a plan. You’re a manager for a reason. Figure out what the company needs and turn that into a strategy. Make...
The dott. Lorenzo Fonzone, Orthopedic Surgeon of the Percutaneous Bianchi System (PBS), explains the value of innovation in the field of microsurgery of the foot More than 8,000 microsurgery operations of the foot performed in the last year by the surgeons of the PBS team. The team, led by the...
Long attached to visions of clear skies and calm seas, the colour blue historically could not be more welcome, refreshing and natural. Yet, because of the proliferation of blue-emitting LEDs in our artificially lit lives, blue light has come to represent bleary eyes, sleeplessness and the poor health associated...
Masullo Medical Group looks to the future with the FUE mini-invasive technique Hair loss is a problem affecting millions of people of all ages: in recent years, therefore, medical science has tried to refine interventional methods in order to achieve increasingly natural and permanent results over time, to fully satisfy...