The very latest frontiers of Antioxidant Medicine


The secret of longevity …

Stay young and long today you can. The secret is in “antioxidants”, substances that contribute to increase longevity and reduce the risk of diseases. To illustrate the latest frontiers of Antioxidant Medicine are Prof. Valerio Sanguigni, Cardiologist and Professor of Internal Medicine at the University of Rome Tor Vergata and Head of the UOC of Internal Medicine of the Casa di Cura Madonna delle Grazie of Velletri and Prof. Davide Francomano , Head of the Endocrinology clinic of the same place.

Prof. Sanguigni, what is aging due to and above all how can it slow down?

The main cause of aging is represented by oxidative stress, a pathological condition caused by high amounts of free radicals, substances that have a direct damage to the cells and that prevent their reproduction and normal function. To slow down the aging process it is necessary to strengthen the antioxidant defences that counteract the harmful action of oxygen free radicals, restoring the natural balance of the organism.

Prof. Francomano you have developed a test that can assess the real biological age of the patient. What does it consist of precisely?

This is a preventive, simple, quick and painless “check-up” to assess the extent of oxidative stress and the status of antioxidant defence. Thanks to the so-called “longevity score”, a highly innovative diagnostic method in the patent registration phase, it is possible to know the real biological age of the patient and optimize the effectiveness of specific antioxidant therapies. If the result highlights an advanced aging process there is an indication to regularly take natural supplements with real and proven antioxidant effect.

Prof. Sanguigni, in this regard have you studied and patented a special food blend with a powerful antioxidant effect?

The idea was born precisely from the observation of the centuries-old peoples who, consuming large amounts of food rich in polyphenols (the most powerful natural antioxidants), live long without getting sick. After 2 years of research, we have developed and patented a wholesome, totally natural food blend made with hazelnuts, dark cocoa, honey and green tea with a high content of polyphenols: Powellnux.

Professor Francomano, what did your study show in the authoritative Nutrition magazine?

The administration of Powellnux to a group of healthy subjects has determined an important reduction of oxidative stress, an improvement of the circulation with a reduction of the stress of the heart and an evident energizing effect.

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