New technologies in the welfare health area



The PWA project to respond to the new demand for Health in the Welfare sector

PWA offers Welfare Platform customers over 5,000 Health Welfare Vouchers divided into 5 categories: Specialist Visits, Diagnostics, Physiotherapy, Dentistry and Home Health Care throughout the country at competitive rates. “We manage all the phases of the process: from the choice of the Voucher, to its issuance, up to the payment / invoicing”, says Andrea Marangelli, Sales Director of Assirete, in no uncertain terms. Confirming the goodness of the project, several of the most important Welfare Market operators use PWA. “Users can choose between different types of welfare offerings: this is why we have carefully taken care of the User Experience to enhance our Health Vouchers”.

PWA won the 1st prize in the Services category at the Digital 360 Awards 2018, as a Health Platform where, in addition to the choice of Health Voucher, it is possible to activate on-line Prevention Plans to find the most modern Telemedicine solutions for the Elderly , Chronic and Disabled.

“This continuous push towards innovation, both technological and in terms of services, has improved the quality of Assirete’s traditional offer in the Health Area: Claims Management for Reimbursement of Medical Expenses, technological development of Web Portals, App, and the management of Call Center. In the Non-Life Area, with Assigesco, we offer: Management of Specialist Claims, Management of Claims under excess (Sir), Management of Claims “Run Off”, as well as Technical Audits and Due Diligence on the adequacy of reserves “concludes enthusiastic Gianni Rossi, CEO of AssirecreGroup.

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