The advantages of a hair transplant in qualified centers


Masullo Medical Group: the solution for all problems related to baldness

Masullo Medical Group is a highly specialized medical surgical center in the trichological sector and in baldness surgery. Thanks to the latest generation technologies, the continuous activities aimed at professional updating, and the remarkable competence of a medical team of international experience, for over 30 years this important Clinic located in Salerno has guaranteed the highest quality standards for those who want to buy back their own I look completely natural. To illustrate the latest frontiers in the treatment of baldness, is dr. Vincenzo Masullo, a luminary of matter, able to ensure excellent results and minimally invasive post-surgery for his patients.

Dr. Masullo, what are the most recent achievements of scientific research in the field of hair transplantation?

A premise appears necessary. Self-transplantation is indicated in cases where hair loss is permanent and it is no longer possible to benefit from medical therapy alone. Today, thanks to scientific research and technological progress, there is a minimally invasive technique that guarantees long-lasting and permanent results: the Follicular Unit Excision (F.U.E.) allows you to implant a large number of bulbs without leaving particularly visible marks or scars. This truly revolutionary method, the most widespread worldwide, involves the transfer of follicles from regions not subject to the action of DHI (dihydrotestosterone), therefore not destined to fall, to bald or thinning areas; the follicles are removed one at a time, thanks to the use of a special micro scalpel, to be subsequently replanted in the area of ​​the scalp that is intended to be thickened.

What are the advantages of this method?

This method of removal has numerous advantages, including that of minimizing the formation of post-transplant scars and allowing completely natural hair regrowth. It is also a minimally invasive and painless technique, which is performed under local anesthesia and which ensures very minimal post-operative discomfort. As no incisions are made, recovery times are very fast: the patient can return to his daily and work activities in a few days.

Is it a safe technique? How important is it to rely on qualified structures?

Hair transplantation is done with the aim of recovering an aesthetic that fully satisfies the person suffering from androgenetic alopecia. The choice of the structure to turn to is therefore fundamental for the results: the surgical intervention represents the arrival point of an individual path, not only physical but also and above all psychological, so it is essential to rely on qualified and absolutely industry specialists. Since this is a real surgery – not free from possible and albeit rare side effects – it is necessary that it is performed by a specialized surgeon, who works inside equipped structures adopting the necessary clinical, technical and safety. In Italy, where the hygiene and health standards are among the strictest in the world, it is generally a safe and effective method, provided it is performed by expert hands.
This is why it is very important that patients, before undergoing a hair transplant, collect all the information necessary to make an informed and appropriate choice; and that, consequently, they rely on a good surgeon specialized in trichology, whose credentials can be verified, who has an excellent case history of surgical operations, a long experience, a great professionalism and who knows how to handle all the skills with great skill stages of the procedure. All peculiarities necessary to guarantee the success of the intervention, and to avoid even serious and evident complications such as damage to the donor area, due to an immense collection of follicular units, and / or widespread or localized scars especially in case of intervention FUT.

As a voting member of the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS) – the leading authority in the treatment and restoration of hair loss for years engaged in an awareness campaign against the black market – I therefore share the ethical, moral need and professional to promote the highest standards of medical practice, committing myself on one hand to achieve excellence in results, on the other to warn patients of the importance of relying on a properly trained, experienced and authorized doctor.

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