Donato Notarfrancesco


Advantages of Mininvasive Surgery in Orthopedics
As in many other medical branches, also in orthopaedics the evolution of surgical techniques, increasingly accurate and respectful of the bone and soft tissues periarticular (muscles, vessels and nerves) and the advances in the technology with which orthopaedic prostheses are made, more and more custom-made, biocompatible and resistant to wear, make total hip arthroprotesis one of the most successful interventions in orthopaedic surgery. The proven mininvasive front access route provides excellent functional results for an increasing number of patients. To illustrate the very last frontiers in this matter, is the Dr. Donato Notarfrancesco, well-known Orthopaedic Surgeon, Head of the Orthopedics department of the Battipaglia salus clinic.
di Roberta imbimbo

Dr. Notarfrancesco, what is mininvasive hip surgery?
Thanks to mininvasive surgery, it is now possible to intervene in the most advanced cases of degeneration of the hip joint, saving the bone and soft periarticular tissues not involved in the damage and making cuts of a few centimeters. Compared to traditional open-cast surgery, the now proven anterior access route, with no detachments or muscle sections, therefore allows a conservative and respectful approach to the anatomy of the joint, immediately ensuring optimal dynamic stability of the hip and a significant reduction in peri-operative blood loss, with less use of transfusions, often a vehicle for post-operative infections.

What are the advantages of this particular access route?
It offers numerous advantages: it significantly reduces surgical trauma; it allows for a significant reduction in the length of surgical scars, post-operative pain, average hospitalization time and, consequently, also social costs. Thanks to the respect of the nervous and muscular structures, the patient is able to start the fast-track rehabilitation route early, assisted by several specialists; la particolare gestione del paziente prima, durante e dopo l’intervento, agevola la mobilizzazione immediata post-chirurgica ed assicura un più rapido recupero funzionale, permettendo un veloce ritorno alle normali attività quotidiane e sportive, obiettivo molto richiesto da pazienti sempre più giovani, esigenti e desiderosi di riprendere il prima possibile il proprio stile di vita. Obviously it is a method that cannot be applied to all types of patients (it is particularly risky, for example in the case of diabetes, obesity and other important comorbidities): it must be the surgeon, with his experience and professionalism, to ensure the success of fast track protocols by carefully evaluating the most appropriate procedures for intervention according to the patient’s clinical picture.
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