Supervisum: Let us look beyond.


The excellence of blockchain technologies at the service of enterprises 4.0
The Association blockchain of Digital Confindustria (ABIE) has greatly increased the number of associates opening also to companies that use such innovative technologies in their projects of digital transformation.

In an increasingly digital and interconnected way in which companies of any size are called to reorganize processes and to seek the optimization of resources and market effectiveness, Supervisum aims to provide technical and professional R&D services to companies wishing to innovate such processes, productive assets, products and the same business logic. “In the next few years, all industry analysts expect blockchain technologies to take root in the various industrial sectors” emphatically asserts engineer ninni De santis, founder of the company operating predominantly in the northern centre with consultants working in Rome, Milan, Naples and Palermo.
di Roberta imbimbo

Ing. De santis, what is Supervisum’s mission?
Our primary goal is to guide businesses in the delicate path of digital transformation. Our ability to combine expertise in the field of technology with a deep knowledge of business life, allows us to fully understand the needs of our customers, investing in R&D , they can obtain substantial benefits in both economic and fiscal terms: an increase in revenues, a significant reduction in operating costs, a better customer experience, a greater ability to decision making and, more generally, a greater increase in its production efficiency. Supervisum, assisted by the Project & Planning and its team of “specialists”, directs their choices both in the phase of implementation of R&D projects, both in that of patenting and access to tax concessions of the research bonus Industry 4.0. However, it should be noted that the R&D bonus measure in 2020 has suffered a worrying cut that will certainly not help the recovery of the average R&D investment of the Italian system which is about 1.3 % of GDP compared to 3% of the European average. And these concerns Confindustria Digitale has already turned to the government.

Supervisum is a member of Confindustria Digitale for the blockchain division (ABIE) which held an important Assembly on January 18. What was that about?
In the first instance it has been supplied to I renew of the social charges that have seen the reconfirming of Giuliano pierucci in the role of President and Paolo Cacurri and me in that of vice president. The Assembly, however, was also the moment to summarize what was achieved in the first two years of activity of the Association: build a membership made up of competent figures and high reputation and significantly increase the number of associates belonging both to the different supply chains that are using blockchain technologies in their digital transformation projects and vertically Blockchain/ict. As blockchain will become a commodity used by thousands of companies in the coming years, the Association has set itself an important goal: to ensure that this tool is well known especially by the world of business and public administration. Which is why we’ll be at Connext at the end of February.

What is this powerful, complex and extraordinarily revolutionary technology?
The main features that make this technology really important for the business world are, transparency, traceability of transactions, security based on cryptographic techniques but especially the immutability of the register: each transaction or smart contract (a contract in the form of a computer code that refers the execution of some or all of its clauses to a software) is inserted in a chain of blocks and maintains its characteristics and cannot be modified at all. In the coming years, this sort of Internet of transactions will be used fully, as well as in the financial sector, in various industrial sectors such as Logistics, The System Fashion and agri-food and from all the companies that want in some way to make transparent the quality of their production chain as their point of strength. In this context, ABIE and Confindustria Digitale will contribute in an important way to support this advancement of technology with road show dedicated both to the presentation of best business practices of blockchain applications and through contributions of “education” disruptive technologies, explaining their competitive and fiscal advantages in a simple way.

For more info:

In the caption of the photo I would insert
Ing. De santis holder of Supervisum

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