Founded back in 1959 by Giovanni Pasqualotto, a great example of Italian entrepreneurship and father of Matteo Pasqualotto, the company’s current CEO, Safas is an innovative family business (now in its second generation) that has succeeded in establishing its leadership in the market for the production of steel castings for the energy, mechanical and transport industries, with an annual production capacity of over 10000 tonnes of finished products. Giovanni Vaccari, current Commercial Director and member of the corporate structure, explains the reasons for the success of an all-Italian excellence that is increasingly oriented towards internationalisation, technological innovation, the enhancement of human resources and environmental sustainability.
by Roberta Imbimbo

Dr. Vaccari, with what mission was Safas born?
Founded about 60 years ago as a company highly specialised in the casting of steel and cast iron, over the years this historic industrial company in Tavernelle di Altavilla has expanded its core business to other strategic activities. Once it had consolidated its brand reputation in the original market, on the strength of the quality and reliability of its products (used in the most advanced industrial sectors), together with the Group’s other affiliates, it pursued a decisive strategy of diversification towards new businesses, such as power generation – investing considerable resources in the construction and conduction/management of hydroelectric plants to produce renewable green energy – and the production of high value-added plastic components, thus expanding its customer base. Today, Safas Group is a globally operating company that has succeeded in establishing valuable and well-established partnerships, especially in North America, Europe and Asia.
Let’s go back to the most characteristic sector, steel, which represents the heart of the Group. What peculiarities distinguish you from your competitors?
The Steel Castings Division, with its differently specialised production units, has allowed us to achieve a truly unique completeness of offer in steel and cast iron castings, calibrated to the specific needs of both small industries and large multinationals. Over the years we have specialised in the production of high value-added solutions, with the aim of maximising customer satisfaction with top-quality products and an all-round consultancy and assistance service aimed mainly at a niche market, where there are few other players so well structured.
The subsequent strategy of diversification and therefore expansion into markets not yet covered, carried out using the know-how and skills already accrued by the company over the years, without ever renouncing to strengthen the original core business, has allowed us to gain further competitive advantage and consequently maintain a constant and growing volume of work over time in all the market segments served.
An innovative business approach, a strong vocation for internationalisation, huge investments in R&D and technological innovation (on average we invest more than 10% of our annual turnover), continuous improvement of company processes, of the skills and professionalism of our human resources (Safas Group’s true resource), and a precise corporate social and environmental responsibility, are the distinguishing traits of a dynamic and avant-garde reality that has so far achieved unimaginable goals and that now aims to win new and exciting challenges.

How important is it for you to combine economic growth objectives with a sustainable development policy?
Very much. Our commitment to a more sustainable future has gone as far as reorganising our production plants according to the paradigms of Industry 4.0, to be increasingly oriented towards digitalisation, production and energy efficiency, environmental sustainability and the circular economy. Without forgetting that today the Power Generation division produces more energy than is absorbed by our manufacturing companies, thus allowing us to have a surplus energy balance; a choice that over time has proved to be rewarding and that has allowed us to minimise the impact of our activity on the environment and to allocate a share of clean energy to the market, becoming in a short time a best practice spokesman in the entire sector. This is also why, for the second year running, we have been included in the Forbes Italia list of the best Italian companies for sustainability performance.
How important is human capital for you?
It is the most important resource on which to focus to continue growing our group. It is in fact people who give value to work through competence and determination, all very important ingredients that translate into invaluable added value in the service of our customers. In order to grow further in the global market, which is decidedly more competitive than the Italian one, we will therefore continue to invest not only in training, but also in enhancing the value of the people who work with us, so that each employee is adequately motivated to work in an innovative, stimulating, healthy working environment that offers numerous growth prospects for young people. The need to attract new talent to the company has also led us to develop important collaboration projects with local companies and universities. With the former, we have created real Academies, in order to make the foundry’s activity known and appreciated by the new generations; subsequently, at the end of an ad hoc training course, the most talented professionals, eager to grow and ready to get involved in a sector that offers numerous professional outlets, can be included in our workforce. With the university world, on the other hand, we have established valuable partnerships in order to bring trainee students into the company, who are given the opportunity to shape and improve their professional skills, thus maintaining the fruitful interaction between business and university. In conclusion, despite being a well-established Group, Safas aims to broaden its horizons and grow further to become an increasingly important player at international level.

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