Founded on 23 April 2010, the day of St. George, patron saint of the city of Modica, the company’s registered office, where its founder was born and raised, Mutika is an Italian Experience Management Company (EMC) operating in the corporate events sector, which has succeeded in asserting its leadership in a competitive market thanks to a strategic vision and a truly innovative approach to the market. Stefano Giaquinta, founder and Managing Director of this all-Italian excellence that today has a team of about 25 highly qualified and motivated resources, explains the distinctive traits of a company that since its foundation has considered events an opportunity for promoting and enhancing the territory. A strong vocation for the common good, innovation, internationalisation, and the enhancement of human resources and corporate welfare are the hallmarks of a company that has always made corporate social, environmental and economic responsibility its main ethical value.
by Roberta Imbimbo
Dr Giaquinta, with what mission was Mutika born?
When I founded the company in 2010, I named it Mutika after the Phoenician name for Modica, the Sicilian city where I grew up, meaning a place to rest and refresh oneself, a name therefore linked to our business. Our goal is to be able to create events that represent indelible experiences in the memory of the participants by focusing on creativity, innovation, safety, and exclusivity while remaining closely rooted in our Italian territory, which has so much to offer. In this way we have succeeded in differentiating ourselves from other market players, consolidating a vast clientele of mainly Italian and international companies.
Today Mutika is the only Experience Management Company in Italy, in the last few years it has experienced a strong development both in terms of turnover and staff, brilliantly overcoming the great difficulties related to the Covid pandemic. We have offices strategically located in Italy and around the world, in Milan, Venice, Rome, Sicily, London, and the United States; our team of highly qualified Experience Designers is able to create customised solutions for every type of request. In my eyes, the awards received recently “Le Fonti Awards 2021” with the prestigious “Excellence of the Year” award in the special category “Innovation and Leadership” and again in 2022 in the special categories “Innovation and Leadership, Experience Management, Events Sector”, “Premio 100 eccellenze Italiane 2022” with an award ceremony held in the Sala della Protomoteca in Campidoglio, and the satisfaction of our client partners, are recognition for the extraordinary work that Mutika has managed to do as a team. I would add that over the years we have consolidated a network of suppliers who represent the best of our territory. So, to answer your question, our mission is to enhance and promote Italy by creating unique and memorable hospitality, putting in place, where possible, concrete initiatives for the recovery of the artistic and environmental heritage: we like to think that through one of our events we can turn the spotlight on the chosen destination, redevelop abandoned areas, leaving the place more beautiful than we found it, while also promoting the local economy.
Can you give us some concrete examples?
We recently organised a very successful event in Naples that was attended by around 700 people from all over the world, who were accommodated in 8 prestigious hotels in the city. The gala dinner was held at the Royal Palace of Caserta, and thanks to the proceeds of the evening we were able to support the palace’s budget for park maintenance and enhancement. In September 2019, we entered the heart of the Terme di Caracalla in Rome and, thanks to the reinvestment of part of the proceeds of the gala dinner, it was possible to restore a vast mosaic floor and two capitals from the Roman era. In short, my dream is to contribute to enhancing what history has bequeathed us, feeling a strong responsibility to preserve it for future generations, while at the same time offering our customers the chance to enjoy experiences that generate unforgettable emotions.