Founded in 2009 in Verona, Fidoimpresa Spa is a company qualified in credit mediation – duly registered with the Organismo Agenti e Mediatori (OAM) supervised by the Bank of Italy – and specialised in business credit. Thanks to a proprietary valuation model, the target market in which FidoImpresa Spa best expresses its experience and results are corporations – srl, spa, scarl – with a turnover in excess of € 5,000,000. Giampaolo Ambrosi, General Manager of this all-Italian excellence, explains the increasingly strategic role that credit intermediation companies have taken on today following the evolution of regulations governing access to credit by companies.
by Roberta Imbimbo

Mr Ambrosi, with what mission was Fidoimpresa born?
Fidoimpresa Spa was set up with the aim of asserting its leadership in the market of short-, medium- and long-term corporate financing and credit to businesses of all sizes thanks to an innovative evaluation model developed in-house. Active throughout the country, with offices and collaborators in the North, Centre and South of Italy, the company operates on behalf of the main new-generation national banking institutions, providing its customers with a service of the highest quality, efficiency, speed and, above all, success.

Why is it extremely important to turn to experienced professionals in this sector?
The credit market has changed radically compared to the past. In recent years, in fact, there has been a sharp reduction in bank credit to productive activities and to companies in general; a choice made by all traditional banks that has caused many problems for the operations of many small and medium-sized businesses, since even deserving companies have suddenly found themselves without or with very few credit facilities and consequently with little liquidity. In short, with the same balance sheet figures, companies have seen their loans and credit facilities drastically and systematically reduced due to the stricter rules on access to credit. In addition to the phenomenon of the credit crunch (credit squeeze by banks on companies) that appears cyclically, approaching banking institutions today is by no means simple: entrepreneurs – who find themselves managing an increasingly complex relationship with banks, far removed from their real needs – should know in advance the evaluation criteria that the bank adopts to assess their company’s creditworthiness, just as they should know what their company’s current situation is in relation to the credit system (operations that require analysis and verification of a certain complexity). For these reasons, in this sector it is of fundamental importance to turn to professionals who are experts and, above all, qualified and authorised to carry out credit activities. Fidoimpresa Spa, thanks to continuous investment in research and development, has succeeded in developing an internal algorithm and an innovative evaluation method that allow access to credit with a success rate of over 90%. This is also overcoming the difficulties arising from the progressive reduction in the number of banks throughout the country, a phenomenon caused by continuous bank aggregation operations. In the pure logic of cost reduction, in fact, many banks have decided to reduce the number of branches; a choice that has resulted in a systematic decrease in credit and business services from traditional channels. In the face of these changes, the figure of the credit broker has evolved enormously, acquiring an increasingly strategic and important role for businesses.

What kind of market is it in which you operate? What peculiarities distinguish you from your competitors?
It is certainly a highly competitive and open market, precisely because, as mentioned, the void left by the traditional banks is enormous. In the Bank of Italy’s Register of Credit Brokers, there are now just over 300 companies; of these, about 10 per cent provide credit to businesses in a systematic manner, a highly specialised activity that requires technical knowledge in many economic subjects, a specific organisation, and a proportionate capital endowment. Fidoimpresa Spa has wanted to invest in knowledge right from the start, betting heavily on the training of its human capital (to date more than 60 collaborators, employees and advisors), which has always been one of its most valuable resources. Thanks to the passion, determination and expertise of its human resources, in fact, FidoImpresa Spa has been able to develop and guarantee high-quality products and services. The main distinguishing feature of its work is therefore represented by its ability to offer tailor-made, highly-qualified consultancy, tailored to the real needs of each individual customer who, belonging to different product sectors, has specific and individual requirements. Assistance and presence is provided at all stages of the file, from company visits and in-company audits to the fulfilment of all legal obligations, up to the disbursement of the financing itself. With the aim of maximising customer satisfaction, FidoImpresa Spa has established very solid relationships with the main new-generation national banking institutions, in order to always be able to provide entrepreneurs with rapid and certain answers, proactively anticipating the challenges imposed by a continually evolving market and the future needs of each individual business. High added-value features that have enabled it both to systematically increase its customer base and to successfully provide assistance and credit to increasingly larger companies, thus growing both in terms of turnover and organisational size. Despite the extraordinary achievements to date and the target of EUR 1 billion in total cumulative disbursements, the most ambitious challenge for the future will be to transform the company into a full-fledged lending institution, with the aim of offering increasingly streamlined, efficient and high value-added services.

What advice would you give to an Entrepreneur or the Finance Director of a company?
To contact us.
Whereas in past years contacting a credit brokerage company was one of the possible alternatives, today for any business getting assistance in accessing credit is an investment.
Especially since, as in our case, many new generation and innovative banking institutions are accessible through the submission of a loan application by a licensed credit mediation company.
This ensures greater success for the entrepreneur.

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