Established in 1997 in Catania from the far-sighted idea of entrepreneur Concetto Franco Privitera and three other partners, now in its second generation with the entry into the company of the founder’s son, Sogesa is a green and future-oriented company highly specialised in integrated claims management; an all-Italian excellence that pays great attention to the valorisation of human capital and environmental sustainability and that has managed to assert its leadership in a highly competitive market thanks to a strategic vision and the use of innovative digital technologies. “Today, artificial intelligence plays a fundamental role in speeding up the claims management process, while maximising customer satisfaction,” says Francesco Privitera, the company’s CEO, in this lengthy interview.
by Roberta Imbimbo
Dr Privitera, with what mission was Sogesa born?
Sogesa was established in 1997 in Catania, with the ambitious objective of becoming an important reference point in the integrated and digital management of claims; a challenge that was won thanks to a strategic vision, an innovative business approach aimed at the centrality of people (both customers and employees), and the ability to take care of the claim process at 360 degrees, from the opening of the file to the settlement of the claim. Over time, in fact, this all-Italian excellence has expanded its core business (expert reports) to other strategic activities, becoming a single interlocutor able to provide qualified and reliable support and advice to the country’s most important insurance companies or large brokers.
What peculiarities distinguish you from your competitors?
A strong vocation for technological innovation, highly specialised know-how developed by a highly qualified team, a strong focus on environmental sustainability (for several years we have been active in the Reclaim the Planet campaign), and a strictly tailor-made service, tailored to the customer’s specific needs, are the values that have always guided our work. Thanks to these high added-value features, Sogesa has succeeded in establishing itself in a highly competitive market, clearly distinguishing itself from its numerous competitors, and has experienced rapid growth in terms of both turnover and organisational structure, with the opening of no fewer than eight operational offices spread across the country.
How is AI revolutionising the way you operate?
Technology is significantly improving the efficiency of claims management processes. AI makes it possible to minimise operational inefficiencies and the risk of human error, to recognise damage to a vehicle and damaged parts from images, and to enrich this information with data that facilitates expert activities. PerizIA, for example, is an operating system of ours (recognised by the Insurance Connect Awards 2023 as the best Claims Management in the digital category) that speeds up the process of estimating motor claims with optimised management enabled by AI algorithms. The user, insured or adjuster, takes a video or photos of the damaged vehicle; the AI system analyses the images to compile a damage estimate, using information from the vehicle database. Finally, the report compiled in this way is submitted for validation by an assessor before being sent, with considerable advantages in terms of time and cost. Obviously, AI can never completely replace the human factor: only the right balance between the automation offered by AI and human expertise can guarantee quality appraisals and full policyholder satisfaction.
Many achievements to date. Future goals?
To continue to grow in hitherto unexplored markets, always with a focus on valuing the people who work for and with us and the health of our Planet!