The very latest frontiers of vertebral surgery


In Italy, low back pain involves over 15 million people, with a peak of incidence between 40 and 50 years of age

In recent years the incidence of spinal disorders has increased significantly, especially in Western countries, causing significant economic damage: back pain is, in fact, the most frequent cause of absence from work due to illness, being very disabling. To illustrate the very latest frontiers in the treatment of these diseases, is the dr. Demo Eugenio Dugoni, expert Neurosurgeon of Rome.

Dr. Dugoni, how are the diseases related to the spine treated?

In Italy, low back pain involves 15 million people, with a peak of incidence between 40 and 50 years of age. This is a pathology that, if neglected, can seriously compromise the quality of life of patients. It is therefore of fundamental importance, from the appearance of the first symptoms, to get into the hands of an expert professional in order to identify the most suitable treatment for the individual patient. Generally, in its early stages, back pain can be treated with pharmacological treatment and physiotherapy.

When is it necessary to resort to surgery?

When conservative treatment is no longer effective and/or in the presence of neurological symptoms due to diseases such as disc herniation, cervical or lumbar stenosis and instability, the specialist may consider a surgical evaluation to be appropriate. Nowadays, thanks to the advent of minimally invasive methods and to the refinement of the classical ones, the neurosurgical operations are performed with a low complication rate and with a post-operative course that is always less traumatic for the patient.

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by Roberta Imbimbo

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