Here are the network contracts


Prof. Filippo Satta explains the legal-economic tools for companies that want to innovate and compete on the market.

Business networks represent a juridical-economic instrument of cooperation between companies that, through the signing of a specific contract, mutually undertake, in implementation of a common program, to collaborate in forms and areas related to their activities, exchanging information and services of an industrial, commercial or technological nature and jointly realizing certain activities pertaining to the object of each company. To illustrate the advantages of this innovative legislative tool is prof. Filippo Satta, co-owner of the Satta Romano law firm in Rome.

Prof. Satta, what advantages does this legal instrument offer to companies or professionals?

Introduced in our legal system by Law n. 33 of 9 April 2009, business networks allow participating companies to increase their innovative capacity and competitiveness on the market without, however, renouncing their individual legal autonomy. Thanks to this form of aggregation, they have the opportunity to achieve development objectives that are higher than those that they would be able to pursue by acting on individual terms, optimizing resources and skills and compressing management costs. It is therefore a legal instrument that is especially useful for encouraging both the innovation of companies and their coordination to provide customers with services and works that require the most diverse technologies. This favors the innovation and internationalization of our companies, which can better operate also in international contexts.

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by Roberta Imbimbo

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