With Tecknè, experience and professionalism are always at the service of the user
Technological innovation and the diffusion of telematic tools are favoring an important evolutionary process of the purchase and payment systems with electronic instruments and money, aimed at facilitating access to the sales networks using the latest payment techniques. Also, in the services for mobility and public transport, the digital platform offers a valid contribution for the implementation of evolutionary interventions aimed at facilitating the payment and making the controls systematic, fluid and effective. In this context, Tecknè’s work, the experience gained in an evolution itinerary based on “accounts” and the centrality of networked systems, appears to be significantly current. The company, which identifies its distinctive values in innovation and in the methodology of a cross-cutting approach to technologies, boasts specific know-how in the functional integration and management of inter-operative systems. “With the electronic ticket all the movements are managed and shared electronically: sales feed the acceptance and validation system, together they animate the company” dashboard “and trace the distribution of the proceeds collected by the multiplicity of the receivers active in the sales network” asserts Pierluigi Ceseri, founder of Tecknè. The brand new ticket with QR image allowed the opening of new online purchasing technologies, via web and smartphone, the radio communication technique (RFID) includes c-less card and smartphone via “nfc”: a revolution in buy a ticket and pay the best price.
Per maggiori info (www.teckne.it) (info@teckne.it)
By Roberta Imbimbo