Law Firm Russo: the interest turned also to the human and psychological aspect


A sick love, the strength to report and ask for help

According to the World Health Organization’s Word Report on Violence and Health, domestic violence is unfortunately a widespread and complex phenomenon that includes a multitude of criminal actions and psychological, physical and sexual abuses perpetrated to emotionally control a person who it is part of the same family nucleus.

Nowadays it is unfortunately not possible to estimate the incidence of this phenomenon, since not all the victims have the strength to denounce their perpetrator and to turn to specialized professionals, thus avoiding that a normal conflict can degenerate into an irremediable conflict. The lawyer Cinzia Russo, owner of the prestigious law firm Russo in Velletri, has been actively engaged in a delicate sector such as family and juvenile law, taking care of both the civil and criminal aspects. Disrupted families, minors overwhelmed by the family crisis, mistreatment and abuse of all kinds: the lawyer Russo is often called to intervene to turn off the birth of angry and instinctive reactions that, especially in the presence of children, can have devastating effects.

Lawyer Russo, family conflict requires the lawyer to be responsible and competent to direct the couple towards the search for alternative solutions to disputes. How do you approach clients who have suffered domestic violence?

Nowadays, unfortunately, even the family can become a theatre of acts of a criminal nature; in fact, the crimes foreseen in this area by our penal code (abuse, violation of the obligations of family assistance, sexual abuse and incest, and crimes of omission, abandonment of minors or incapacitates) are numerous. in the case of particularly complex and complex events that take on penal importance, my first approach is aimed at finding a just solution that favors family balance and the personal dignity of all the parties involved.

And in the most serious situations?

When the spouse’s conduct is a cause of serious prejudice to the physical, moral or freedom of the other spouse, the art. 342 bis of the c.c. provides that, by request of a party, the judge can issue the protection orders. These consist of orders addressed to the person who maintained the conduct that was prejudicial to ceasing the conduct itself; at the same time the removal from the family house is ordered and the obligation not to approach the places normally frequented. In the case of prejudicial conduct carried out to the detriment of the minor, the Judge may also order the intervention of the social services to promote protected meetings between the child himself and the violent parent.

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By Roberta Imbimbo


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