An effective and current therapy for the treatment of various diseases and that does not require any type of anesthesia. This is illustrated by Prof. Carmelo Parisi, Obstetric Gynecologist

The laser is now widely used in gynecological practice, being particularly effective in the treatment of various diseases, such as the related HPV and vulvovaginal atrophy secondary to menopause. To illustrate the advantages of this innovative, safe and effective therapy is Prof. Carmelo Parisi, Obstetrical Gynecologist of Rome.

Prof. Parisi, what are the advantages of laser surgery in the treatment of HPV?

HPV is a disease related to the human papillomavirus that, in its various forms (condylomatosis and dysplasia of the cervix), can cause various lesions in the lower female genital tract. The laser can be used to destroy the lesion or to remove it, making possible a subsequent histological examination. The treatment, performed on an outpatient basis under colposcopic control, guarantees a remarkable precision with minimal damage to the tissues surrounding the lesion and a rapid re-epithelisation of those involved. It can also be used for the treatment of the male partner.

And in the case of vulvovaginal atrophy?

Vulvovaginal atrophy is a very common condition after menopause, due to the disappearance of estrogen hormones. The main symptom is vaginal dryness but can be associated with other symptoms that make sexual approach very difficult and sometimes impossible. The goal of therapy is to restore genital tropism, to preserve sexual function, and to prevent and treat infections. The end result is a turgid and hydrated vaginal mucosa; a real “genital rejuvenation” with all the characteristics of a trophic tissue and in a state of well-being, similar to that of the premenopause. The operation is performed in the clinic, does not require any type of anesthesia, is absolutely painless and has no side effect.

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By Roberta Imbimbo

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