PBS, a highly innovative technique for hallux valgus correction

The dott. Lorenzo Fonzone, Orthopedic Surgeon of the Percutaneous Bianchi System (PBS), explains the value of innovation in the field of microsurgery of the foot

More than 8,000 microsurgery operations of the foot performed in the last year by the surgeons of the PBS team. The team, led by the orthopedic surgeon and founder of the Andrea Bianchi technique, boasts a national record based on the use of an alternative method to the traditional one, which allows to intervene on all the pathologies of the forefoot quickly and with a post course. operative in full autonomy and immediate load. With the PBS technique, the hallux valgus, for example, is treated with a percutaneous intervention under local anesthesia, without the insertion of screws or nails: “This allows the patient to immediately walk and recover the functionality of the foot in a short time”, explains Lorenzo Fonzone, an orthopedic surgeon from the PBS team.

Doctor Fonzone, what is hallux valgus?

This is a deformity of the forefoot which, in the painful phase, prevents proper ambulation.

In the presence of pain and load problems, how do you intervene and why is your technique innovative compared to traditional?

It is a minimally invasive microsurgery. The operation is performed without the insertion of screws or nails and allows the patient to quickly recover the functionality of the foot. The advantages of this technique are above all the speed of the intervention and the reduction of the painful symptomatology.

For more information (www.allucevalgopbs.it)

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