Arthrosis is a degenerative disease of an evolutionary nature. Initially, it concerns articular cartilage, that is the tissue that covers the surface of the two bones that form the joint and then the bone and the surrounding soft tissues. To illustrate the new guidelines for the management of this...
Modern regenerative medicine treatments represent an innovative and effective therapy for the treatment of orthopedic diseases. To illustrate its effectiveness is Dr. Fabio Valerio Sciarretta, Orthopedic Surgeon of Rome, member of the Board of the International Cartilage Repair Society (ICRS). Dr. Sciarretta, for some time we are talking about regenerative...
Nursing home Villa Margherita, an excellence in the national health scene ...   Technological progress and the constant improvement of the operating methods have allowed us to achieve extraordinary goals in the field of minimally invasive surgery of the digestive system and in particular in colorectal surgery. Laparoscopic surgery, more respectful...
The elegance, the refinement and the versatility of the cork A magical balance between style and design. A perfect fusion between past and modernity, between love for beauty and passion for craftsmanship. Creativity, craftsmanship and elegance: in Tappo's jewelry there is always a detail that captures eyes and heart. Born...
Andrea Boldi and Marco Micocci become new Mazars partners: excellence in actuarial and quantitative finance merges with the multinational specialized in auditing and consulting.   Andrea Boldi and Marco Micocci, founding members of Numerica Risk, have joined Mazars as new partners. The rapprochement between Numerica Risk and Mazars brings to the...
In an era in which business intelligence has assumed a central role in the life and success of large companies, an Italian company has been able to stand out in the field of design, development and management of innovative software systems. Founded in 2008, MTF Business Solutions is able...
Start again with a strong pain to create a successful hair salon "There are pains that cannot be avoided or cancelled; unbearable pains that make you vulnerable to the eyes of the world. There are wounds that not even time can heal; wounds so deep as to destroy your soul,...
The new frontiers of oncology are in Campania In the last ten years, in Italy, its incidence has grown at a higher rate than any other type of cancer: in 2006, people with melanoma were little more than 7,000, in 2016 even 13,800. In recent years, however, the life expectancy...
Quality dental care is a right for everyone. Passion, professionalism and transparency at the service of the patient   Passion, professionalism and transparency: these are the distinctive features of the Dental Ethics clinics, which are demonstrating a new approach to the patient and aspire to be identified as an example of...
Attorney Marino, what services can a tax lawyer offer the citizen? The tax lawyer, lawyer specialized in the complicated subject of tax law, is the professional figure to which the citizen can address in all cases where you want to have a legal advice on tax and tax, in order...