Marco Brizzi, general manager of Projit, describes the advantages deriving from the use of digital platforms
In the era of business competition, the professional training of employees plays a role of primary importance. In recent years, thanks to the advent of digital, online courses and lessons have strongly evolved: the use of ever more advanced technologies has allowed companies to be able to administer, support and spread e-learning training like never before from now on and the workers to be able to take advantage of highly effective training courses. Among the highly specialized companies in e-learning consulting and training activities – concerning safety at work, compliance, privacy, information security and management systems – the Rome Projit stands out. Founded in 2002, in the last few years this young and dynamic company has established its leadership in the reference market, considerably increasing its customer base (today it counts 150,000 subscribers on the platform).
Dr. Brizzi, what are the advantages for companies that decide to adopt a digital training model?
Breaking down space and time barriers is synonymous with competitiveness: the ability to learn and update faster than one’s competitors is undoubtedly a significant competitive advantage. Furthermore, with online teaching, it is possible to reduce the costs incurred for moving employees and it is possible to manage the training activity in a computerized and constantly updated manner.
What sets you apart from your competitors?
The ability to build innovative and captivating multimedia processes, able to stimulate and motivate the user, allowing them to increase their knowledge with maximum flexibility.
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