The latest frontiers of orthopedics


Assumptions, potentialities and therapeutic perspectives of regenerative medicine

In recent years, Regenerative Medicine is increasingly being used also in the treatment of many orthopedic diseases: thanks to highly innovative and effective therapies it is now possible to regenerate and reconstruct the skeletal muscle tissues in a minimally invasive way, using autologous mesenchymal cells, or those taken from the patient’s own fatty tissue.

“The Adipose Derived Stem Cells (ADSCs) are so-called immature and undifferentiated adult cells that, once extracted and purified, are injected where joint, tendon or muscle damage is present; here, thanks to a mechanism of biological intelligence, they differentiate into cells of the host tissue and stimulate the cells surrounding the self-regeneration ”says Dr. with emphasis. Donato Notarfrancesco, Head of the Orthopedics department of the Salus clinic in Battipaglia.

Dr. Notarfrancesco, why are stem cells derived from adipose tissue so innovative?

Because they represent the best approach to treat the degeneration of bone and cartilage. The advantages deriving from their use are in fact unimaginable: the use of mesenchymal cells significantly accelerates healing, reduces post-operative pain and promotes rapid recovery both in terms of sporting activity and normal daily activities.

How technically does autologous adipose tissue transplant take place?

It is a minimally invasive procedure of the outpatient type, which provides only local anesthesia. The fat in the abdominal surface or from the inner thigh is taken from the patient. The adipose tissue is extracted by an osmosis process and then re-grafted, via the joints, with a simple syringe inside the damaged joint. The patient himself is therefore the donor and at the same time the recipient: this is why we speak of “autologous transplantation” of adipose tissue.

Simultaneously with the use of ADSCs, in recent years more and more studies on platelet growth factors (PRP) have been developed and deepened. What is it?

The therapeutic rationale of platelet growth factors, extracted from the patient’s own blood and purified with a particular centrifugation technique, is based on the idea that these concentrated platelets, once injected, release numerous substances that locally activate the healing process by modulating the inflammation, the neoformation of blood vessels, the production of collagen, the multiplication of cartilage, bone or tendon cells. Also in this case the fields of application are therefore multiple and the results extraordinary. The treatment is absolutely harmless and free of side effects.

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